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Introducing Big Day 2018

Join us for the biggest birding event of the year. 

Big Day is back — and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s birding Dream Team, the Sapsuckers, are competing again!

On May 5th, Team Sapsucker will head to Colombia, Honduras, and California for a 24-hour quest to find as many bird species as possible. Their ultimate goal is to find 500 bird species - and raise $575,000 for conservation and research. This world-wide birding blitz is the Lab's biggest conservation science fundraiser of the year.


We are thrilled to bring you along on the journey!



Test your Big Day knowledge with our new crossword puzzle.

(Click here for the answer key — no peeking!) 

Download Crossword 


 Big Day Update: Team Sapsucker, Honduras has shared exclusive behind-the-scenes pictures from scouting!