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Northern Cardinal


 © Ellen Schmidt

what_they_eat What they eat: Northern Cardinals eat mainly seeds and fruit, supplementing these with insects. Large tube, large hopper, platform, and ground feeders are best for attracting Northern Cardinals.
how_they_sound Where they live: These birds prefer living in forests, overgrown fields, and backyard habitats. They are found throughout eastern and central North America, from southern Canada into parts of Mexico and Central America. 
where_they_live Did you know? The brighter a male Cardinal’s red color, the more he has eaten foods that have boosted his health and strength. 
did_you_know How they sound: The Cardinal’s song has syllables which sound like the bird is saying cheer, cheer, cheer or birdie, birdie, birdie.
To learn more, visit the Cornell Lab's free website: www.allaboutbirds.org.

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