Birding for a BIG Cause
On Saturday, May 11, the 10 intrepid birders on the Cornell Lab's Team Sapsucker will spend 24 hours birding nonstop in the Great Lakes region for Big Day 2024. Part birding marathon, part fundraiser, Big Day is an opportunity to celebrate spring migration, while inspiring support for the birds we love!
Before daybreak, Team Sapsucker will split into two groups: one based in Chicago and another in Chippewa County in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The Chicago squad will explore urban parks and shorelines, while the Chippewa County crew will search through dunes, forests, grasslands, and wetlands where Lake Huron and Lake Superior meet.
They're united by one mission: finding as many birds as possible to inspire generosity that powers the Cornell Lab's crucial conservation work. Won't you cheer them on as they race against the clock for birds and biodiversity?
Watch our Big Day 2024 video and hear from the Team Sapsucker captains about their exciting Big Day plans.
Species Team Sapsucker expects to see include the Green Heron, American Redstart, Common Yellowthroat, and Ruddy Turnstone. Tap or click images to view larger versions.
Why the Great Lakes?
Each year, billions of migrating birds flock to the Great Lakes, where major flyways converge. Hundreds of species concentrate along lakeshores and green patches in urban areas to rest and refuel before embarking across some of the world's largest bodies of freshwater.
This migration hub paints a vibrant picture of birds and biodiversity—but just as crucially, it captures the mounting dangers migrating birds face. Unfortunately, millions of birds won't make it to their breeding grounds this spring due to building collisions, habitat degradation, and other hazards.
With help from Big Day supporters like you, the Cornell Lab can spread awareness and boost data-driven science to protect birds—in the Great Lakes region and beyond!
Make a Big Difference for Birds
Each spring, 3.5 billion birds migrate into the United States. But using radar to detect birds in flight, Lab scientists found that migration decreased by 14% over a recent 10-year period, amounting to hundreds of millions of birds vanishing.
There’s no way around it—birds need our help now more than ever. And with your Big Day support, the Cornell Lab can continue to...
- share powerful eBird data with partners working to restore vital migration links for birds and wildlife
- use game-changing technology like BirdCast to help alert cities when to power down lights and make windows safer to prevent deadly collisions
- spark millions of people to look, listen, and learn about birds with our free Merlin Bird ID app
This important work—and so much more—is powered by people like you. Will you make a Big Day donation to the Cornell Lab today?
I’m thrilled to be a part of Team Sapsucker again and to highlight this remarkable region where land, water, people, and birds intersect. Please join us by sponsoring our efforts today and we’ll report back to tell you what we find!

Jenna Curtis Team Sapsucker Co-Captain
Meet Team Sapsucker
Ten Cornell Lab staff members have been specially selected to join Team Sapsucker for Big Day 2024. Together, they represent a diverse range of Big Day experience, as well as expertise from nearly every corner of the Cornell Lab. Get to know them by flipping through our Team Sapsucker image gallery!
Did you know? You can cheer on Team Sapsucker by following their progress on May 11. Just bookmark our Big Day 2024 eBird Trip Report, where you can get live updates throughout the day on species the team has recorded. You can follow the Lab's Facebook and Instagram pages for updates during the day. Until then, explore eBird to get a sense of what species we may see in Chippewa County, Michigan, and Cook County, Illinois.
Top image credit: Common Yellowthroat illustration by Maria Klos, 2023 Bartels Science Illustration Fellow.