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Common Grackle 


 © Linda Pizer

what_they_eat What they eat: These birds eat mostly seeds, particularly sunflower seeds or agricultural grains, like corn and rice. Large hopper, platform, and ground feeders can attract Grackles.
how_they_sound Where they live: Common Grackles do well in human landscapes, using scattered trees for nesting and open ground for foraging. They are found in the eastern U.S. year-round and breed in parts of the Midwest and in southern Canada.
where_they_live Did you know? Grackles are the number one threat to corn crops, as large flocks commonly eat ripening corn and corn sprouts.
did_you_know How they sound: This bird’s typical song is a guttural readle-eak accompanied by high-pitched, clear whistles.
To learn more, visit the Cornell Lab's free website: www.allaboutbirds.org.

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