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Learn How to Create a Garden For Birds

Few things are as interesting and beautiful as songbirds. They liven spring, and brighten up even the darkest days of winter, adding music and color to our lives. What can we do to repay them? For starters, we can make our yards more bird-friendly. Never before has suitable habitat for birds been in such short supply. Download the FREE Creating a Garden for Birds PDF guide to learn how to attract and support more birds in your yard. Or check out our other resources below!

A nuthatch crawls down a tree trunk in front of a white house. Text on image: How to create a bird-friendly garden. Illustration by Reyn Ojiri, Bartels Science Illustration program.

Links to the Project FeederWatch page.

American Goldfinch © Mason Maron/Macaulay Library

Share observations of the birds you spot in your outdoor space through Project FeederWatch, with or without a feeder! Project FeederWatch is a participant supported, November–April survey of birds in the U.S. and Canada. Your counts allow you to learn more about the birds around your home and to contribute to a continental data-set of bird distribution and abundance. Find out more about the project.

Links to the article, "Tips to make a 'Messy' Garden Look Good."

Keeping a "messy" garden might be better for the birds, but what about the neighbors? Take a look at a few strategies you can use to keep your space wild, yet well planned in the article, Tips To Make A “Messy” Wildlife Garden Look Good.