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Sparrow foraging for seeds in leaves
Fox Sparrow (Red) foraging in leaves by Sam Zhang / Macaulay Library

Leaf It for the Birds

Take the Pledge to Leave your Leaves and Dead Flowering Plants

Commit to leaving your leaves and flowering plants alone this fall for the birds. This small action can have a positive impact on biodiversity. The leaves create prime habitat for soil organisms and fallen seedsa favorite amongst many songbirds. Flowers holding their seeds provide landing pads for birds to forage on all winter long!

Fill out the form to the right so we know you are Leafing It!

Then, enjoy watching your garden feed the wildlife all winter long.

Learn more about the value of winter gardens from Garden for Wildlife.

These actions are required to receive bird-friendly coffee and to be entered to win a valuable prize drawing.

  • Complete pre-survey
  • Upload before picture
  • Plant a native plant
  • Upload after picture
  • Complete post-survey