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Migration season is a precarious time for birds, but we can make their journeys easier through a variety of simple actions. In this webinar, our expert panel of Cornell Lab staff will share their tips to help migrating birds this fall. You’ll discover what’s helpful (and in some cases what’s not so helpful) for birds visiting your gardens and outdoor spaces; hear advice on setting up winter roost boxes; and understand how to make human activities and structures safer for birds.

Closed captioning was provided, and this webinar was recorded. The recording is also available on the Migration Celebration website.

This webinar is part of our annual Migration Celebration. Checkout the links below for more!

Check out the Recorded Webinar

This webinar has ended! You can view the recorded webinar here. Thanks for enjoying Migration Celebration 2022!


Migration Celebration 2022

A tree swallow flies through the air.

Join us for two weeks of online content including six webinars on a whole host of topics. Learn about remarkable bird migration stories, discover how we map bird populations, and even explore plankton and whale migration! Visit the Migration Celebration website for the full schedule of events and recorded webinars.

Bird Migration Basics

Three Canada Geese fly through the air.

Why do birds migrate? What are the types of migration, and how did it evolve anyway? These are just a few of the questions tackled in the All About Birds article, The Basics Of Bird Migration: How, Why, And Where. Start with this primer on migration to get a handle on this fascinating phenomenon!