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What's Your Favorite Ontario FeederWatch Cam Species?

Sponsored by Perky-Pet®


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The Ontario FeederWatch Cam is the only place on the internet where you get a front row seat to a boreal bird buffet. Over a dozen species are seen here each year, from species like the Black-capped Chickadee (found across North America) to groups of the tougher-to-see Pine and Evening Grosbeaks, Canada Jays, and even Ruffed Grouse!


We want to hear from you! 

Have any of the species earned a special place in your heart this year? Were there any whose behavior or plumage especially caught your eye? Share your favorites and you could win a feeder from cam sponsor Perky-Pet


  • You can browse through some of the most common species in "Species Info" tab underneath the live stream on the cam page.
  • Be sure to enter your favorite and any comments by midnight on January 25, 2021.


We will randomly select four winners from everyone who enters, and we'll share which species were most favorited.


Thanks for participating!

Submit Your Choice