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Perky Pet

Feeder Favorites! Which did you like best?

Sponsored by Perky-Pet®





The Ontario FeederWatch Cam is a great place to learn about the birds of the boreal forest. Throughout the cam season, we’ll offer you chances to win prizes through fun and varied contests, so get ready to be creative, identify species, and share your cam-watching experiences!


This season, we've featured a diverse array of bird feeders provided by Perky-Pet for the Ontario site, and we're interested in hearing about which feeders you liked best and why. Tell us your favorite feeder using the form and you could win a feeder courtesy of our cam sponsor Perky-Pet®


  • You can browse through Perky-Pet's birdfeeders and let us know if your favorite isn't listed or wasn't featured on cam.
  • Be sure to let us know by midnight on Monday, March 21, 2016.


We will randomly select a winner from everyone who shared their feeder faves with us.


Thanks for participating!