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Perky Pet

The West Texas Hummingbird Cam ID Challenge!

Sponsored by Perky-Pet®



The West Texas Hummingbird Feeder Cam has been swarmed by hummingbirds since we went live! Some of the individuals are easier-to-identify adult males of the various species, while others grade into the more subtle and difficult-to-discern plumages of females and immatures. Here's your chance to start testing your identification skills and win big! 


There are two hummingbirds to identify, perched on the Perky-Pet® Grand Master feeder in this short clip. Take a shot at identifying both of them using the form, and you could win a hummingbird feeder courtesy of our cam sponsor Perky-Pet®


  • Click the play button to watch the 20-second video.
  • For the best clues, try enlarging the video to full screen and click the gear button to watch it in high definition.
  • You can browse through the species accounts in the AllAboutBirds.org Species Guide.
  • Be sure to enter your guess by midnight on Sunday, October 4, 2015 (only your first guess will count).


We will randomly select a winner from everyone who successfully identified the birds, and we'll follow up with a description of how to identify these two individuals by experts from West Texas Avian Research.


Thanks for participating!